Thursday, December 3, 2009

Claus cafe internet

Claus no have the intarnets like Americas. Claus HATE americas no let stay policy for marriage no have happiness in Claus life women. Claus pay cafe internets. No more love americas. Byes to the now happening of things.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Claus not marry for America. Claus backed in Bulgaria. Hate girls of the US that it is not marriage Claus will. Sadness replaced with angers the 10,000 storms of the waters of the seas depth of Claus complete. Find Bulgarian girl. Guh.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

No marry still make Claus the sadness.

Claus even as no marry for self with love in the American. He does not marriage and is that low. As shall be sad most Claus. Will you be his wife for the American Claus will be? Claus return in Bulgaria if no marriage making. Claus sadness of the much kind.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Some love of not happen Claus year 16

No of espousings. Lost of Claus love is gone. Claus of enraged sadness decisions. Without marriage. No America. American does not make the Claus. Claus Bulgaria go in 3 weeks with marriage no so sadness of Claus. American.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Poem Tarens.

The Tarens of love,

as a star fake sky you make,
I can has see you yellow lake,
love of Claus is you,
pretty as grass on these morning dew.

Tarens are on the love of Claus,
marry the Claus is husband!

Monday, September 21, 2009

The poemetry

I write the poem Olga make most special for her.
Olga is the loved of Claus you no know. She not stable. Find cat, eat fat cat. Very conundrum.

The Poetry

You make sing heart of the me,
I fally in love so deep,
You go no Russia make travel,
Heart find string that unravel.

Lengthy separate make of the plane,
Come back the the Claus in pain.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Answer the Taren American, and the Jules no American

Tarens, when you make of saying, that of a green card, you make of a valid point. I may need to reconsider my marriage proposalings of Olga. It does not know who I am I am. She eat cat. I Love it, but she knows little of Claus obviously.

No American dream Jules. When you make of saying that the honorable, Claus hurt the feelings of its intention. Make pork for the poor of Olga starvations. In cases where cats now? I make proposings of marriage in love of Olga. You do not know what. Olga tell you why.

Olga? What say of proposalings?

The usa foods

I am the love of the United States foods. I Love the habits for them. I found Bulgarian friend that make the Bulgarian foods, which does not like Claus not more. I meal of the United States food much better than before. Bulgaria is not as America. America is Claus Bulgarivchek of food. My English better than ever before. I use less of the internet I urge to make the words English not English. You are loving America as I am? Olga does not think it is not me. It I think that appear to be a man makes drunk on the street in the latter blog text. Olga is my supported. It will make husband of Claus in the coming weeks. Greetings!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Claus take the photo. no here

I take the photo not here. You see the photo in this blog placer.

To dance:My take the photoer fred likes this photo he take of. I like of.

So buy.

America beuty

I claus. I blog like America. Like America. My taught of English frankly great. You go I go. Аз наистина като Америка.

Make blog for USA!

Oh! Love olga. Olga make bride me. Happy for Olga russian. She dance with cat eat.

I will be America. I love.

Go Lincon!

No more.

I love the Olga for flowers giver her. She not just espoused unspecial.